Ahhh Springfield Massachusetts, the birth place of basketball and home to the basket ball hall of fame. There are so many articles about the downside of the biggest city in Western Massachusetts, but we will focus on the positives mostly.

Springfield is a known for its education, diversity, and its affordable homes. American International Colege (AIC), Springfield Technical Community College (STCC), Springfield College, and Western New England College are really great schools. STCC is a great place to both receive a quality education and save money. Not only the four colleges in Springfield, but you also have Elms College in Chicopee Massachusetts, and Westfield State College in Westfield Massachusetts.
Downtown Springfield Massachusetts in recent years has been on the up and up, with MGM and aggressive revitalization to the south end, the city is coming alive. Springfield is becoming a destination city for many, because of the some of the new jobs, opportunities, and projects still in the works.
For food I would visit the Humming Bird at 347 Orange St, Springfield, MA 01108, for some of the best West Indian food around. Another town favorite is Red Rose at 1060 Main St, Springfield, MA 01103.
Springfield has just about everything that you need. Every department store from Walmart, Home Depot, Big Y, and much more will be on Boston Road. There are so many different activities and places for families with children, such as the Springfield Museum and Community centers. If your child is into sports Springfield has some great camps as well as Division 1 high school sports programs
In Springfield there are a lot of options for both public, private, and charter schools in the area, also remember that you do have school of choice for your children. The test scores for Springfield have gone up over the years, as well as the graduation/college acceptance rate.
Areas of recommendation to buy a home are Island Pond road area, Sixteen Acres, Sumner/Allen area, and the Western New England College area. Book with the best moving company in Springfield Ma.